

têtes de nègre! 

low and behold at the end of isle 2, top shelf, a'dam central albert hein supermarket in dam square... have i stepped into the twilight zone? apparently not since there is even a website to back it up. see for yourself, the image of the perfect 'nordic heidi', 'kissing' what has a very suggestive shape and size, and happens to be named, for all to see, negerzoenen (negro kisses or something), or for us frenchies, also on the box (along with german), "têtes de nègre"! make no mistake, this brand of bikkies can be purchased over the counter. they are from holland, now produced in tilburg, by a very proud meneer Buys. euh... no comment necessary on this one. scan of packaging coming soon!

p.s. in english they are called angel kisses, in german like 'creme' kisses, and somehow on the website it also says in french it's 'baiser de mousse', which is mousse kisses... hum? how did "têtes de nègre" get onto that package? i suspect the factory is being supplied with huge amounts of crack for all to smoke...