adieu l'australie.
ca y est - je suis partie. je me suis baignee pour la derniere fois il y a + de 24 heures dans l'ocean proche de sydney... les premieres journees de printemps - l'eau encore froide mais le moral etait bon et mona est temoin que la canadienne denaturalisee a brave les eaux glaciales avec ferveur.
alors voila. now i'm in arizona. not really knowing what is ahead - and lovin' it. all is a haze - a very desert heat infused haze with a purple glow - that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
adieu australie. all my lovelies - think of me whilst you sip a coopers or treat yourself to biscotti dipped in frangelico in a park... on the beach or in the bush. fuck i am gone. this is really happening.
alors voila. now i'm in arizona. not really knowing what is ahead - and lovin' it. all is a haze - a very desert heat infused haze with a purple glow - that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
adieu australie. all my lovelies - think of me whilst you sip a coopers or treat yourself to biscotti dipped in frangelico in a park... on the beach or in the bush. fuck i am gone. this is really happening.