radotage n' blah blah
there is no particular reason for my post - completely selfless rambling i fear. i would like to upload pictures and articles and make snazzy comments and spark debate but the reality is i'm too busy and too tired to make such efforts at the moment. this of course saddens me some but i don't really feel the situation can be changed at the moment... i am working practically all the time. i quite love what i am doing - what worries me is that i am drained nonetheless. in fact, though i enjoy my present projects thoroughly and am excited by them - i still sometimes find it difficult to muster motivation. probably all normal problems, perhaps closely related to rainy and grey winter melbourne weather... i wish i was sharing some of the northern hemisphere summer i love so much with my northern hemisphere friends of course - which sweetens the deal somewhat. if anyone happens to read this - tell me about your summer experiences so i may attempt to live vicariously through them - and imagine myself elsewhere...