

simply beautiful


"to love means in one way to give the self as possession, the self as present to itself, and in another way to give and to abandon to the other something that the other himself has, to say that it is in the same way for himself because he is as well a self. In other words, love is to share the impossibility of being a self."

Love and Community: A round-table discussion with Jean-Luc Nancy, Avital Ronell and Wolfgang Schirmacher, August 2001



were done! (for this year anyway). to farewell and celebrate the departing masters... fantastic evening complete with bingo (yes bingo!) events, 'designer prizes' (hihi), portuguese cooking in the wee hours, and complaining neighbours... here are a few pics from anna's camera (more pics of those of us we won't see anymore (sniff sniff) would be good... send me pics). as you can see, some of us partied till dawn! a well deserved debaucherous night.

june, quentin, me .....................................dj kenji

xinjian, anna ...........................................ralph-bingo obsessed, marijn

bingo!!...................................................m to the saucy t, xinjian

hey marijn!..............................................still dancing...


politically aware gaming... 

war games seem to have fostered a new breed of politically charged gaming...
here is a clip
for more info - visit 'escape from woomera'. woomera is a detention center in the australian desert. when refugees seek asylum they are most often put in these detention centers while their demands are being processed, often several years.