Roger 10-4 in Weise7
Dates: 05-14.07.2011
Libellés : residency, Roger10-4
Electromagnetic Cityscape
Electromagnetic Cityscape, a Roger 10-4 workshop that Sabrina Basten and I gave @ Napravi me! (or Make me!) in Belgrade, Serbia. Make me! is a festival that features a series of workshops on building and using different DIY devices, with a critical reflection on the presence of technology in public space.
Image shows one of the participants' wearable 'sniffing' device embedded in a handbag (complete with inductor mic and adjustable amplifier with electric blue potmeter!).
Workshop dates: 10-11.06.2011
Libellés : electromagnetic, free software, napravi me, Roger10-4, workshop
Liwoli, do you copy?

Liwoli, do you copy?, a Roger 10-4 workshop that Sabrina Basten and I gave @ Liwoli in Linz, Austria.
Image shows participants exploring the electromagnetic fields of Linz with their new wearable 'sniffing' devices. The amazing things that emanate from under the pavement ; )
Workshop dates: 13-14.05.2011
Libellés : electromagnetic, free software, liwoli, Roger10-4, workshop
FLOSS narratives

“Floss Narratives – Narrativas de código abierto” presentation (by me) with video performances by Jennifer Campbell (CA).
Thanks to the always wonderful UnifiedField.
24.04.2011 @ 19:00 (Granada, ES)
(none of the above would have been possible without churros ;)
Libellés : aether9, FLOSS, genderchangers, presentation, threads, UnifiedField
DOGTIME the shortcut
Libellés : DOGTIME, Rietveld, threads
Workshop: Initimacy over Distance
The workshops are the pratical part of the conference "Open Sources Versus Military Culture? Aspects in Israeli Digital Culture", that will be conducted on 7-8 November 2010 in Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in collaboration with The Israeli Center for Digital Art.The participation is free, registration is required.
The conference and the workshops will be conducted in English.
Initimacy over Distance : networked broadcasting tools and scenarios -- Nancy Mauro-Flude & Audrey Samson using aether9 tools.
Friday 12/11, Sunday 14/11
Libellés : networked, performance, workshop
next performance...
"Audrey Samson and Nancy Mauro Flude/Sister O - Confession"
'Between Heaven and Earth'. Curatoren: Rose Akras en Dirk Jan Jager.
Libellés : amsterdam, museumnacht, performance, telematic
White Smoke lecture / book presentation at Designhuis

Hexaplex Lecture
June 17, 19:30- 21.30
In collaboration with Onomatopee & Designhuis
order WhiteSmoke @ Onomatopee shop.
Libellés : presentation, publication
aether9 presentation / residency

aether9 presentation @ SAT
following a 4 week residency @ agenceTOPO
-developing script for mobile aether9
-developing tech for mobile aether9 (pd patch controlled by WII remote viewable on a small screen attached to the arm)
Libellés : aether9, free software, montreal, pure data, residency, WII
WhiteSmoke publication/exhibition
"White Smoke is an exhibition and publication by Hexaplex, presented by Onomatopee."
Libellés : exhibition, publication
presentation / workshop @ liwoli 2010

genderchangers presentation
usb radio workshop [based on piradio.de]
@ liwoli 2010
[see imgs + liwoli gallery]
Libellés : free software, genderchangers, liwoli, presentation, workshop
upcoming aether9 performance @ arti (a'dam, NL)
write-up - threads/ and studioXX
the XX factor
Montreal artist-run studio seeks to open cyberspace to women
By Sheehan Moore
[the McGill Daily]
Libellés : residency, studioXX, tech, threads, women
residency @ studioXX
re-working threads/: an installation/tool/instrument which houses a growing archive of women’s stories, discussing their feelings toward and the ways in which they use computers.
also working on a web interface to this collection of voices...

exhibition @ compagnie-f on march 12th (announcement to follow)
Libellés : installation, montreal, residency, threads
Re:live conference | publication
Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology
Melbourne 26-29 November 2009
Presented: "Haunted profiles; social networking sites and the crisis of death"
Can be found in conference proceedings (p.140-148).
Libellés : conference, death, mourning, publication, social networking sites
aether9 seance in berlin coming up...
Afrikaandermarkt Big Band
Big Band -- make your own instrument and play/parade in the band !
by Paul Granjon, in the context of COM.POST []

Libellés : deplayer, electronics, instrument, market, rotterdam
whispers from the garden
whispers from the garden/

Libellés : okno, plants, sensors
connected domes workweek
details on okno.be
Libellés : electronics, plants, workshop
/ETC Umeå
"An international gathering for women interested in open source software and creative approaches to technology"
keep an eye on the following URL the next few days for a live stream of
workshops at the /ETC.
http://giss.tv:8000/etc.ogg (open in VLC)
Libellés : ETC, women, workshop
NIMK jubileum workshops
Electronic Jewellery
Portable Pixels & Worn Out Sounds

Libellés : NIMK, wearables, workshop
weekend spent making music from components :)
Libellés : electronics, music, STEIM, workshop
Workshop Portable Pixels and Worn Out Sounds @ montevideo (or Netherlands Media Art Institute)

"Kom en maak zelf je persoonlijke 'Sound & Light Wearables'!
Kristina Andersen en audrey Samson vragen de leerlingen hun eigen kleding te veranderen met draagbare licht -en geluidstukken. Is dit de Science Fiction van de verre toekomst of de outfit van de jeugd van morgen? De vraag is hoe je de componenten zelf zou willen dragen: op je lichaam, in je kleding of in je haar. Schakelaars worden gemaakt van ‘kleding-schakelaar’ zoals knoopjes en drukkers of haar accessoires. What turns you on? Maak schakelaars van je eigen kleding, horloge, schoen of sieraad!"
Libellés : wearables, workshop
forgot to blog for ADA day!
though she had nothing to do with computers, i would have surely sungs the praises of miss de beauvoir! or the pioneering work of delia derbyshire in electronic music.

excerpt from delia-derbyshire.org: "A recent Guardian article called her 'the unsung heroine of British electronic music', probably because of the way her infectious enthusiasm subtly cross-pollinated the minds of many creative people."
--note the use of the word cross-pollinated! ;)
Libellés : Ada Lovelace, Delia Derbyshire, Simone de Beauvoir